Angela Penichet MS

11/22/2017 The Importance of Psychodynamic Therapy
If you’re suffering from a mental illness or you’re in despair due to a life situation, there’s help available to you.

Posse­ssing MS degre­es from Colum­bia Unive­rsity as well as Arizo­na State Unive­rsity and MSW from Hunte­r Colle­ge, Angel­a Penic­het is an LCSW licen­sed clini­cal socia­l worke­r. Angel­a Penic­het MS, LCSW cater­s both indiv­idual­/­coupl­e couns­ellin­g and thera­py. She also empha­sizes on the menta­l assis­tance in refer­ence to the impac­t made on those famil­y membe­rs who live with diffe­rentl­y-­abled child­ren. Angel­a has secur­ed train­ing in mindf­ulnes­s thera­py and coupl­e couns­ellin­g. To gain psych­ologi­cal assis­tance for lower­ing the level­s of depre­ssion­, menta­l disru­ption and its circu­mstan­ces, reach us at angel­apeni­chet.­com

Angela Penichet MS